I live in New Jersey and I am not asking for marital advice but me and my wife are going through tough times, she states she needs her independence. After 9 years and two kids she stated she wants to move out, buy her own home 1 bedroom home and take the four dogs and my step son with her and leave the remaining two children with me. She states she does not want any money. She has her own buisness but it is a buisness that has been more of a hobby as the money she makes basically covers all the bills. She has claimed a loss on that buisness two years ago, then went out of buisness and started again, and most recently said she was going to close it down in April before all this took place. She also claimed bankruptcy two years ago. She stated she will keep the buisness open and get a second job to pay her bills and get her independence. She also stated that she is going to buy a house for $50,000 and have $1000 a month in property taxes, this is the southern part of new jersey. Can someone tell me Mortgage wise how tough it will be to get a mortgage with what I explained and how much cash or even what amount of money this would take.